Welcome to our third newsletter. We’ll send one once a week updating you about what we are doing and how you can get involved. You can sign up to get the newsletter by email at www.shacklewell.uk/news
Mutual aid connects neighbours who need support in the COVID-19 crisis with neighbours who want to volunteer. We’re helping people in and around the Shacklewell ward in Hackney, East London. You can find out more on our website at www.shacklewell.uk
Updates – specialists
We have a lot of people in our area with specialist skills that could be useful. We’ll be featuring people from time to time who can offer other these services to people who contact us. First up is Laurie:
This pandemic and subsequent lockdown has meant employment uncertainty for many people in our community which can be very frightening and confusing. If you are experiencing anything you feel is unlawful in your employment and don’t have anyone else to ask, I may be able to give you advice on your situation or at least tell you what organisations may be able to help you. I am not a lawyer and would only be able to give you my opinions rather than solutions in regards to employment (but not freelance work I’m afraid) but I’m happy to help where I can.
If you’d like help from Laurie please contact us through the WhatsApp chats or email. If you’d like to be featured here please email us on shacklewell.volunteers@gmail.com.
Document of the week
The volunteer welcome document explains how to get involved as a volunteer, what we do, what you can expect and how to stay safe.
You can read it at www.shacklewell.uk/welcome
If you have any suggestions to improve please send a message message on the Whatsapp chat group or email the group at shacklewell.volunteers@gmail.com
Since we began we’ve had 24 requests go through our dispatches system. We’ve helped out other people neighbour-to-neighbour through chat on our WhatsApp and Facebook group.
We’ve done food shopping, collecting prescriptions, general errands and made friendly phone calls among other things.
If you want to get involved on the phone line or doing anything else our people have asked for this week then please get in touch on the WhatsApp group or by email. We hold a weekly video call on Sunday evenings which everyone is very welcome to join. Find our contact details on www.shacklewell.uk